So when I came to Jakarta I had an idea in my head of what it would be like teaching and living here. Some of these things were pretty accurate, like drinking bottled water all the time, living many stories above my comfort zone, and that there would be pollution and a lot of people. That is pretty much where my preconceived notions all abruptly ended.
Let me just start with the apartment, I love it. It has furniture, washer/dryer combo, oven, stove, refrigerator, couches, chairs, tables, a bed, great bathroom, some dishes, lamps, and a TV. But this being the first time that I lived in a place without other people was an eye-opener to me on how much stuff of other people I used. The first full day we were here, all of the new staff was taken to the mall next door to a place called Hypermart I would say an equivalent of a K-Mart (AKA Big K) with a grocery section as well. We were supposed to find things to help us in our apartments. Can you say overwhelming? Because that is exactly what it was, overwhelming with a loud aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh in my head of course :) I think all I walked out with that day was laundry soap, trash cans, hangers, toilet brush, and hand soap. You are probably think random, right? Remember AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH was all that was in my head. All that to say thanks to all those who have made it so I was not alone these last 27 years, because I am still slowly figuring out what is needed. I did finally get pots, pans, and some cooking utensils. Finally today I actually bought food.
I also knew this was one of the largest Muslim countries (they are referred to as cousins). I just had not fully prepared for what that meant. During my first month here they are celebrating Ramadan. So everybody fasts during the day and is not allowed to break fast until sundown. This holiday is like Christmas is in the states. Every mall that we have gone in has a replica of a mosque. All the stores have leberan (sp) sales, which this is the 5 day holiday in Ramadan where many people go back to be with their family, this begins on this coming Saturday.
School wise it seems like I have always had things at my fingertips. Not so here, posters that I would have, all my books bought or given. So it is taking time to adjust and be stretched as a teacher. I also met my co-teacher today she has been teaching for 12 years so it should help me learn a great deal of things.
There is so much more, but I have been working on this since Sunday so I should get it out.
Please pray for this week of meetings and getting to know how my co-teacher works
Jesus Christ gave a call to go out and make disciples. This blog is all about how God is using me to be on mission no matter where I go, with the highs and low, spreading the Gospel
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
It is hard to believe
So I am finally here, but what has happened since then... Well let me catch you up on the last six days or is it five things are blending together.
As you may recall my plane ride took me pdx-san fran-tokyo-singapore-jak. Not once did it feel like, what the heck did I get into. Why is that? Because God is good. Every flight and every connection God was working things out. I am going to focus on two of those. The First was on my longest flight from San-Fran to Tokyo (11 hours). On this flight I had an empty seat next to me which was nice. But the best part was just across the isle was a couple that was also coming to teach here. So I was able to get to know them and not feel so alone on that large of a flight. The other part of the trip where God was evident was in the Tokyo airport waiting for my connection to Singapore. I was standing in line waiting to board and this little lady originally from Singapore now living in Seattle asked me what I was doing. I explained to her what I would be doing and she said she wanted to help me out and pray for me. So before we boarded, she did just that and gave me 25 Singapore dollars. God was watching out for me because I only exchanged 20$ that was not near enough for the taxi ride for the hotel.
The Plane Ride
As you may recall my plane ride took me pdx-san fran-tokyo-singapore-jak. Not once did it feel like, what the heck did I get into. Why is that? Because God is good. Every flight and every connection God was working things out. I am going to focus on two of those. The First was on my longest flight from San-Fran to Tokyo (11 hours). On this flight I had an empty seat next to me which was nice. But the best part was just across the isle was a couple that was also coming to teach here. So I was able to get to know them and not feel so alone on that large of a flight. The other part of the trip where God was evident was in the Tokyo airport waiting for my connection to Singapore. I was standing in line waiting to board and this little lady originally from Singapore now living in Seattle asked me what I was doing. I explained to her what I would be doing and she said she wanted to help me out and pray for me. So before we boarded, she did just that and gave me 25 Singapore dollars. God was watching out for me because I only exchanged 20$ that was not near enough for the taxi ride for the hotel.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
God is good...
Please keep in mind this was written at 1 in the morning.
Wrapping up my last week has had high points even higher points and low points. Let me rewind you to last Sunday. I drove down to Roseburg for a last visit to family and friends down there. While down there my car decided that it wanted to have the radiator go out. Thankfully God has gifted my dad with car knowledge. (I do not have that) Well we finally got that all fixed with a few extra noises, but I was able to drive back up to Lebanon to see a few East Linn kids show their animals (Hayden good job) at the fair. After that I had the opportunity to meet up with my community group one last time. Can I just say I do not know how others do it, because it has been one of the hardest things for me. I equate it to pulling off a band-aid, it has been slow and painful but exciting to see what is happening underneath. I cannot wait to see what God will be doing with these people. Each one ministering in different areas. God is good and allowed so much growth together in this group. A couple of weeks ago while watching this movie called Love I was reminded of the fact that God created us to be in community with other. The movie portrayed this astronaut who goes to ISS and loses all contact with earth. While there he goes through the emotions of what being alone can do to you. So although I will not be alone please be praying that I would find another Gospel centered community.
Friday I was finally able to sell my car, all the way up to Thursday night I had planned on selling it for 300$. At last minute I decided to give it away. Well I thought it was my decision, but God had been working it out. the lady who ended up with my car, Amy, had been without a car for some time and was praying that she would find a car for free. When I offered it to her for 300 she has pretty excited. On Friday though she told me how she had been praying for a free one. So it was pretty cool to get to see God's provision being played out. God is so good! Along these lines I am reminded of this line from a song "Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh for grace to trust Him more." It has been a good reminder to trust that Christ has things in control.
Flying the next few days: Portland-San Francisco, San Fran-Tokyo, Tokyo-Sing, Sing-Jak
Pray for good connections, in two ways making the next flight and connecting with those that are in the seat next to me.
Thanks again I hope the next update will be in Singapore or Jakarta
For those of you pictured and you don't like it, well tough.
Wrapping up my last week has had high points even higher points and low points. Let me rewind you to last Sunday. I drove down to Roseburg for a last visit to family and friends down there. While down there my car decided that it wanted to have the radiator go out. Thankfully God has gifted my dad with car knowledge. (I do not have that) Well we finally got that all fixed with a few extra noises, but I was able to drive back up to Lebanon to see a few East Linn kids show their animals (Hayden good job) at the fair. After that I had the opportunity to meet up with my community group one last time. Can I just say I do not know how others do it, because it has been one of the hardest things for me. I equate it to pulling off a band-aid, it has been slow and painful but exciting to see what is happening underneath. I cannot wait to see what God will be doing with these people. Each one ministering in different areas. God is good and allowed so much growth together in this group. A couple of weeks ago while watching this movie called Love I was reminded of the fact that God created us to be in community with other. The movie portrayed this astronaut who goes to ISS and loses all contact with earth. While there he goes through the emotions of what being alone can do to you. So although I will not be alone please be praying that I would find another Gospel centered community.
Gonna miss this family |
Flying the next few days: Portland-San Francisco, San Fran-Tokyo, Tokyo-Sing, Sing-Jak
Pray for good connections, in two ways making the next flight and connecting with those that are in the seat next to me.
Thanks again I hope the next update will be in Singapore or Jakarta
The next few pictures are things I have had the opportunity to do in the last few weeks in the states:
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Mount St. Helen's Hike |
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4th of July Prep |
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bbq |
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fed ducks |
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floated the river |
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hacked some portals/coast trip probably Ashley's favorite :) |
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