Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Leaving Grade 1

As I prepare for the end of another year, I am sad but excited.
There are a few reasons to be sad but excited:
People moving- means not seeing them on a daily or weekly basis, but God has new great things in store.
Moving students up- they are no longer my kids, but they get an opportunity to learn in new ways.
Although those two are big in being a teacher in an international setting, they are not what weighs heaviest.
The item that weighs heaviest is moving grade levels. Those people who have never done this may not understand. Maybe this chart will help you understand.

No longer helping to tie shoes.
No longer pretending I can do hair.

No longer looking like superman.
No longer teaching basic math.
No longer having a co-teacher.
I no longer have to tie shoes!
My shaky hands won’t fumble with hair clips
I won’t have to move the desks alone!
I get to relearn harder things!
Getting to have my own class back!

The dependence that 1st grade students have is something to be cherished. This age I am sad to leave. Those toothless grins cannot be replaced. Those comments from the passing Kindy students about how loud I am will not be forgotten.
I look forward to the 4th grade independence. I look forward to the conversations that go beyond the student. I look forward to seeing old students up in their new hall.

So yes I am sad to leave the primary grades, but I am excited to see what is in store.

Kids are still kids no matter the age. They will still have quirks. They will still need some help. They will still need a teacher that shows them God’s love everyday.

I may have six weeks this summer, but I sure have a lot to prepare for.
Please pray for:
safe travels
preparation for the new year and grade

As always I apologize for the non-fluidity of this, and spelling/grammar mistakes.
Who wouldn't miss these kids?

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