Monday, August 12, 2013

Red Ants and Newbies

Red Ants, these disgusting little bugs are crazy. In the states we may have bigger red ants, but here these little guys are fast and mean. I am discovering what it means to be super clean. (Taking after Gayle :) If I am not quick to clean up after a meal or leave a crumb somewhere they find it and hang out. One or two would not be so bad, but then they begin to come by the hoards. I have to be careful because then they will come and decide to snack on me. Their bites hurt! The other interesting thing is that if you kill one you and don't clean that up they will come and eat the remains. Nothing is sacred to these little fiends.

Now you are probably wondering why I bring these pesky critters up. I cannot remembered if I mentioned the living situation. I live in an apartment that is directly below the school. Not to different from living next door to East Linn last year. I loved it! I could quickly drop by the school and get tasks done even in the wee hours. Here is how it is different in Indonesia, all 19 apartments are filled with other staff. I have really enjoyed this. It has been easier to get to know the other staff. However, it can be so easy to become like those red ants I had today. I put out some poison, as the blurry video below shows. They took this poison back to their nest. 
Each day I have the opportunity to work for a common purpose with the people I live with, which is to serve Christ. There are always things that come up in life that I want to want to go quickly towards. Some of them are great, but some of the things can be like the ants bringing home poison or eating a downed ant. These things can be bitterness, selfishness, pride, gossip, and lack of patience. If these are allowed to enter the relationships of those I work with then soon it will be like the anthill, a bunch of bodies that are no longer furthering the Gospel of Christ.

So please be praying for those of us living here. Pray that we would build one another up. That we would Gospel centered fellowship. That when troubles arise we would seek biblical restitution. That our lives would be a light to the security and cleaning staff and others who see us.

Tomorrow is the day that new students to the school get to come and check out the teachers and the school. I have no idea how many of my students are actually new.
Imagine what it would be like to be six years old starting at a new school, and for some it is also a new country. This is what I will be encountering tomorrow with my kids.
So please be praying for these students that they would be at ease and not anxious. Pray for the school year, that we it would be one filled with the Gospel in all areas of learning.

Things missed:
Every once in awhile I might add this to tell you things that are missed. Most of them are just random silly things, because I hope you all know that I miss you already and am thankful for the many avenues of communication that we can share life's happenings.
So here is the things that have come to mind lately
Dollar Tree
Back-to-School isles
Taco Bell (Liz knew I would)
Carpeted floors

As always I am sorry for all the grammar mistakes. Thanks for praying!

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